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Showing posts from June, 2020

Six Days of Hell

The Purpose of This self initiation:  is to greatly prove your connection and dedication towards the infernal Devine.  To Be bestowed with advanced psychic abilities or fully develop the ones you currently have.   This initation may also include beyond natural increase in  Mastery of tarrot divination  Psychic vampirism  Astral projection  Sickness immunity  Curse immunity  Increase in muscle mass Decrease of overall fears and anxiety   Seeing Auras  Monetary gain  Complete removal unnecessary thoughts and emotions while performing magic. More Powerful invocations Meet your Guardian deamon and patron  This initiation Will completely alter your state of mind, putting you through a mental state comparative to a living hell.  This ritual is extremely Stressful, However the pros outweigh the cons if advanced sorcery is somthing you wish to pursue.  It Lasts 6 days and more likely the 7th day you will likely need off to rest completely.  If you would like to be able to better communicate w