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Qliphothic Seductress,Mistress, Demoness, Astral Orgys,Witch
Gargophias is a Qliphothic Demoness That Resides Between Thagiriron and Thaumiel 
She is a highly sexual demoness that can assist in Astral Projection,Astral Sex,Necromancy,Divination,Clairvoyance. 

She has a dark nature and will appreciate if the witch conjuring Her possess a similar dark aspect delightfully indulging in Taboo and Forbidden Lusts and Desires. 

Gargophias can help burn out your sexual fantasy in the  Astral and can pull you out of your body for that purpose. 

I Advise you to not contact her with fear, not because she will hurt you but because you would be wasting her time. She loves the dark and twisted and draws beauty from it mixing genders,Animals Body Parts,genitals,Human old, young or corpse creating  Fetishes beyond your imagination while in her realm she can read your thoughts and desires and build you your Lust Filled Paradise sending you the perfect mixtures of emotions and senses to bring you to an  Erupting Orgasmic Climax. 

Vk Jehannum-Writes

"Gargophias hones the psychic powers of the witch and makes her causal goals bear fruit. She begets internal alchemy. She is of the nature of succubi, begetting vampyric power unto her disciple."

"Gargophias rules over knot magick, binding spells, execrations, hexes, and death magick. She is the most faithful servant Hecate has, and she’s a direct link between you and her. She has all the knowledge of Hecate, and she can give it to you. She aids in the creation and use of egregores."

"Gargophias is an incredibly sexual demon. If you really interest her, you can expect to be dragged out of body in sleep and fucked regularly. This strengthens one’s connection to the spirit and makes it easier to communicate with them."


Add purple into the sigil for a  sexual Request 
Or keep it Black and White or Silver for Her other abliltys

Simply redraw this symbol on a piece of paper wait untill its night face north and chant her name gar-go-phias 
You will probably feel her touch you. Simply and clearly state what you desire and then give her permission to leave. 

She likes blood, mentral blood & semen as offering on the sigil however I'd also light candles and incense in her name.

Linda Falorio writes:

The need for working with the energies of Gargophias may be signaled by our experiencing in ourselves, or encountering in others, feelings and expressions of reverence for “life” for its own sake, without regard to use, form, function, Will, or desire. We may encounter an overly masculine, yang,  aggressive orientation to action on  the world, or, we may find that we, and others somehow find the ability to believe in the collective Dream as objective Reality. Sadly, there may be an accompanying inability to dream, or, the breakthrough of uncontrollable nightmares. One may experience lack of visual imagination, a lack of poetry, idealism, and romance in one’s life. There may be a sense of general creative drought that signals a lack of connection to the world of Spirit,  and that leads to a lack of ideals, a lack of hope and vision of the future.

Yet in the tunnel of Gargophias is the power of the Feminine, bringing us to God. Here is the non-reflective power of movement in dreams, the power of clairvoyance, and contact with Spirit Helpers. Here is the instinctive power of the artist to fashion living souls from the substance of their own ectoplasm. Magick is exuded from the inner core, abundant creativity up-wells from an inexhaustible inner Source.  Here too, is 21st Century science: space-migration, genetic engineering, tinkering with the archetypal blueprints of life’s proliferation. And here is the attendant possibility of spawning Frankenstein horrors based upon mutation of the DNA, those terrifying mutations of past and future selves, non-viable evolutionary dead-ends, such as the Nephilim wrought questing to create perfect worker-servants of the gods.

Danger and delight lie in the compelling temptation to turn one’s back upon the “objective” world, to become forever lost in a forest of alluring, solitary fantasy, pulled to dissolution in the waters of deep space, higher, higher, into the Void of the Absolute.


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