"The Bornless Ritual" also known as the Preliminary Invocation of the Goetia, or the Invocation of the Heart Girt with a Serpent It was popularised by Aleister Crowley (1875 - 1947) Aleister Crowley Had used this ritual to attain “Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel” He recommended it as a precursor to ceremonial magick, Though Orginally created for the exorcists to drive out an evil spirit which is possessing a victim. Crowley made personal changes in the ritual to suit his own needs and the "Aim of the ritual is to invoke a being referred to as “The Bornless One”, to whom all spirits, both good and evil, are subservient. This is accomplished by changing the order in which the ritualist makes key-conjurations." Many have used this version of the ritual and found it to be quite potent. It Could be Recommend To Abstaine From Sexual Release For a few weeks upwards to a month before doing this Ritual and Fasting for a day or two leading until after t...
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