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The Pleiadians are said to be a collection of alien species who hail from a small star system in the Taurus constellation, Pleiades. According to sources the Pleiadians allegedly inhabit a number of planets withing the Pleaides star system including planets by the names of Erra, Ptaah, Quetzal and Semjase with Erra current serving as a home planet for the Pleiadians.


Making contact with these alien beings requres a similar approach to most other alien enitiys "Intent" and "Ritual".

Below is a symbol or sigil that can act like a one way receiver in order to send them a message much like crop circles.  Depending on what your intent is and if they feel like its worth their time I have no doubts they will make contact. I wouldn't go asking for somthing selfish or taboo these are unknown enitiys after all and some would assume have their own agenda and moral code. 


Copy this sigil onto a piece of paper and on the back write out your intent 

•example of intent "I wish for you to come and prove your existence to me peacefully" 

Often times the more simple the intent is the more powerful it is.The Ritual requires 9 large stones a flashlight and a clear night and is followed.

Outside in an open area arrange rocks to match the 
the pleiades star constellation it's up to you where you wish to do this but being isolated is key.

Wait till after midnight then and take the paper you drew your sigil and Intent on and burn it in near the middle near  maia then take your flashlight to each rock and while keeping it pointed towards the sky turn it on for a few seconds over top of each rock. I'd suggest repeating this process atleast 9 times over the duration of a half an hour then sit in the dark near maia then just star gaze for a additional half hour. 

Before you run out and do this  Its Recommend to approach this ritual alone without any fear or expectations it works or it doesn't and that that. One thing I will promise is that this will atleast get their attention and you can always repeat the ritual. 

Even though is this such a simple process don't take it lightly understand the pros and cons or more importantly the unknowing. 

As far as I'm concerned this being aren't hostile but what one can gain from making contact is purely personal so if this is something your certain you wish to do then do it. 


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